
Showing posts from December, 2008

Wonderful Christmas

He finally express his thoughts and actions to me already........ relieve now. Oh My God, never will i expect myself to have a boyfriend...... It really didnt come easy. After so many years of God's training, I am finally seeing results....... His blessings are just so wonderful. Thank You God for such a wonderful Christmas blessing...... He is quite a passive person but he expresses himself through by his actions and physical touch. This is what i admire most. Instead of saying a lot, he does more things, which other guys doesnt do as much... .... Who says silence is the end of a relationship? I do see that silence is golden as sometimes we need to take time to understnad each other in our own quiet moments... ... Oh God, teach me to be more like You each day even as we establish this foundation of love and trust towards each other........

My Life

22.12.2008 Yesterday, was such a different Christmas Sunday, for me...... never did i expect that i would faint in front of a guy i like, so mah lu How should i face him next time when we meet? Is he really trying to date me? When will he verbalise those words to me? These are the questions that are coming into my mind now. But I believe i must not rush into things as it may cause us not even to happen friends if i do so...... I only can wait upon the Lord for His guidance and wisdom, in handling such situations For the time being, I should improve on building my spiritual character and The Lord will bless me as time goes by........