
Showing posts from April, 2010

Via Dolorosa

Have you ever wondered why every year's Good Friday it always rain @ around 3pm......? Is it pure coincidental or God has pre-planned that He wants everyone on this earth to know about what Jesus had done for each of us on this day (Good Friday). Even as i was pondering thru all this, God lead me to the past 40 days of prayer and fasting. Through this 40 days, i recountered God once again even as I faithfully trusting God in the people that I am going to invite for this TGIF event.Indeed God is faithful even if we are not and He kept His promises. Through this 40 days of prayer, my faith increases even as I lay down my dreams and visions on the Cross of Jesus. God made me realised that how much I needed Him and I grew more and more spiritually "hungry" on a daily basis. I meditate more on His words and spend time to commune with Him thru prayer. After this 40 days of prayer and fasting, I realised that i want to draw more and more into the presence of God and once