
Showing posts from June, 2020

Post Circuit Breaker Reflection 02.06.2020

Today marks the first day after Circuit Breaker (CB).  For the past 2 months since 8th April, life will never be the same anymore.  This 2 months had been an eye opener for me. From home base learning to working from home. From feeling unsure and fearful to getting ready for the new norm. Below are my thoughts and reflections about this CB Journey. Let's go Changes in routine  On the first day of CB, back to centre to take care of kids. As cases getting more and more each day, changes to daily routines also sets in. From daily work to going back once or twice a week.  As for my ACEY, initially my group of Makan Kakis can still meet at school, but change to online learning via Microsoft Teams. Even though it was an interesting approach to learning, my class 0519-ACEYS-P-1, misses the time when we were at Paya Lebar. When working from home,  I started a new discipline to wake up early initially at around 5am, but lately couldn't maintain this