Dad's Home Coming

A pair of clogs, 3 tennis balls and a harmonica... .... A trademark of my late father Mr Gn Kok Lin. 

21st April 2012, like any other day, left me a wonderful and complete journey for my late father and I as he went home to the Lord at 1135pm at Dover Park Hospice. Though the journey was tiring but this journey brought my life into a completion.

Since 5th March 2012, I had been visiting my late dad regularly at SGH and finally had the chance to share gospel with him. Opportunity arises and I arranged for Ps Patrick Chew to visit him. Though my dad acknowledged that Christ is Lord but he refuses to acknowledged that he is a sinner. I still thank God that my dad recited the sinners' prayer and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

I continued to pray for him though at times I struggled due to circumstances but Glory be to God, God gave me the courage to stand firm in my decision and walked with Him in obedience. Dad's condition worsens when he was transferred to Dover Park Hospice. I sensed the urgency and timely actions that I need to baptise my dad. I asked my Dad and he agreed to be baptised when he is at his death bed.

Praise be to God, on 19th April 2012 @ 5.30pm, together with Uncle Lucky, Michael Lim and Pastor Patrick Chew, my dad got baptised. Thanks to Pastor Patrick Chew, he arranged for the funeral director "The Resting Place" to see into the final details before my dad passed on.

I stayed with my dad on thursday and friday night as I know that my dad is in the moments of home coming. Saturday Morning, I stayed longer till I have to leave for church service. Knowing that my dad might leave anytime, I still took the courage to go home and keep my mum company. Phone rang and Dover Park Hospice Staff informed that my dad had passed on peacefully at 1135pm. Tears came upon me while I called Alex to inform him about my dad. I called Mr SK Tan about my dad's death.

Once I wake up the next day, informed my uncle and went to Dover Park Hospice to pack up my dad's belongings. Mr Tan SP came and meet up with me and helped me with all the necessary actions of filing the death at the nearest police post while the casket company settled with the embalming process. After collecting the death cert from the police post, Mr Tan SP drove me to Mount Vernon as my dad's body and casket will be arriving.

Relatives and Friends came and pay visit to my late dad. The night came and Pastor Patrick Pang conducted the funeral service for my dad and I shared a testimony as below:

Before I began to share a testimony of my dad’s life, I want to thank God again for all that He had done and provided during these few days. I would want to thank the following people:
1st, my 3rd Uncle, Gn Kok Kee for supporting me financially in preparing for this funeral, Pastor Patrick and Hazel Chew from FCBC to arrange for this funeral, Ps Patrick Pang for helping out to coordinate with this service, The Resting Place for their prompt and excellent coordination, my cell group, church friends and colleagues from Touch to help out with all these preparation. As well as, others who had showered care and concern. Let’s give God a round of applause… …

Now, I shall start. I want to thank God for giving me this chance to share this testimony.

30 yrs ago, I was born into this family just like any other child in this world.

Life as a kid is about play, play, play… …

Who in this world had not done a single mistake in their lives, I did…so is my dad.

Jeremiah 29:11 says” For I know the plans for you, “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope. God further promises that when you pray, God will listen.

God heard my prayers and my cry when my grandma passed on 3yrs ago. I finally reconciled with my dad. Though circumstances set in, but God in His wonderful timing brought me back to my Dad. Serving in Touch Home Care gave me a chance to understand the needs of a dying client. I thank God for giving me this chance to learn about end of life issues through my dad.

After knowing that my dad got diagnosed with recurrent colon cancer, I took courage to take care of him and shared of God’s salvation into his life. God in His perfect timing touched my dad and he received Christ when he was warded in SGH. Understanding that God’s ways are higher our ways, I waited for my dad to response to baptism and he finally agreed at his death bed.

In summary, I would want to thank God for my parents whom have taken take of me in their unique ways and my entire family. All Glory Be to God, Amen.

I want to give thanks to God for this complete journey in my life that my my dad had passed on to me and indeed because of my dad's obedience to God, it brought me the peace that I had been searching for so many years and I believe that salvation will continue to come into my family especially on my mum.


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