What is happiness? 幸福是什么? 幸せがなんのことですか

Today marks  the second last day of 2019
Time, 6.30am
I am currently on my way to work. 

The last posting I did was last year, after my Love Japan mission trip.

Time flies and now is the 4th quarter of 2019

As I reflect on what had happened,  
I am thankful to God for all the blessings that He had gave me 

I started off this year by giving the letter to the future me to Andrew and Jun.
On the first day of 2019, I went to Kum Yam Methodist church with fellow cell leaders and sisters to set apart my life for God.
After breakfast,  I went out with Mandy to Plaza Singapura Muji for lunch and buy clothes for her staycation at Changi Cove. 

I spent time with her till evening and head home to get ready for my new adventure at work on the next day. 

My new adventure at work begins... ...

My work hours started at 0650 every day in preparation for my ACEY course. 

In order to wake up early for work, I disciplined myself to sleep early so that I can perform well at work. This lasted till end of July.

While waiting for my course to start,  I create every opportunity for me to meet up with my close friends on weekly to monthly basis. 

Spending time with Chillax,  gives me opportunities to know how they are doing in life as well as wind down despite our busy schedules. 

Apart from spending time with Chillax,  Ministry in Church is also equally important.  Apart from Love Japan,  my leaders encourage us (myself,  Mandy, Uncle Chwee Seng and Auntie Ivy ) to start XFXZ (幸福小组). Upon hearing how the Taiwan church had benefited from this method,  we embraced it and train ourselves up to be God's salvation vessels. 

After a couple of sessions hearing the sharing of the Taiwan church,  we launched our pilot XFXZ group after Chinese New Year till end May.

Every week,  we meet up with our Bests and share with one another on our lives. While we gather, we also sang Karaoke and worship songs. We share our life stories and tell our Bests how God had helped us to overcome our challenges. Fellow team mates also came to support us by chipping in ideas on presents and food for the Bests. After 8 weeks of coming together,  Mandy's uncles and auntie decided to give their lives wholeheartedly to God by going for Baptism. Our group was so overjoyed about their decisions. 

Time flies and April came, my child care admin told me to settle payment for my new course. 

Mixed feelings came upon me. One hand was that I had been hoping to meet my new friends. 
The other was that whether will I be able to pass the course. 
Upon receiving my timetable, feelings of concerns rose upon me as I will not be able to go for cell for a long long time.  I brought up the matter to Jun, she reassured me by giving words of encouragement to tell me to focus on my course. At last, I gladly accepted her approach and started my course.

As I started my course,  thoughts of unable to go for cellgroup periodically came upon me. Feelings of regret, anger and fear blinded my mind. Thankfully,  God reminded me every Sunday during service, that I am not alone in this journey and helped me to overcome these challenges and complete my assignment and assessments in the modules. 

Despite of the busy schedules, I learnt to manage my time by taking time out for staycation,  meeting friends for Karaoke and meals. 

August came 😉🎂🎁💞

Despite everyone's busy schedules,  they took time to come and celebrate my birthday. Thank Chillax, Makan Kakis, AJ family  and tribe, as well as Kelly and Ah Boy. You all had brought so much joy during this period of time. 

As I wait in anticipation for the month of September, 

Finally, I  was able to go for TCS Staff Advance in Malacca .
During this outing with the bigger family of TCS (Children and Youth, Impact and Research,  Partnership, Volunteer Management and Communications) , Emily and I gave our first time to perform a special dance item on the special night. Unbelievable 😆
Though there are issues to be learnt,  I am thankful to God for His mercy, grace and strength to pull through during this period of time. 

Entering the 4th quarter of 2019, Laying down my playful spirit, I started to prepare for my child care's centre orientation for new toddlers and parents who will be coming in 2020.
Work and studies still resume. Looking at my classmates who are able to go for holidays and take leave from course, emotions of envy, jealousy,  sadness and anger came upon me.  I questioned myself and God why am I so downcast about all these. Even though my emotions were like a roller coaster ride for quite a long period of time,  I waited upon the Lord and He heard my cries and answered my prayers. 
I adjusted my feelings and started to plan for my staycation in Singapore for my remaining annual leave. 

The day has come, 7th December 2019.
I woke up at around 5am to tidy up my bedroom. 
After tidying up,  I saw that the time was still early,  I decided to rest a bit more before waking up again to get ready for my Chill and Relax Chalet at Downtown East. 

Last night, I had such a wonderful time at my class parent function. Thank God for the entire team that made it possible. 

The day has come as I wake up early to get ready for Chill and Relax Staycation at Dresort Downtown East Beach Cove. 

I started the day early by tidying my bedroom before heading out to meet Rachel and Alex at Dresort. 

I arrived earlier than the expected check in time at 3pm. Thank you Dresort for making the chalet  available for check in. Even though the room was quite far inside, it is very near the exit of Pasir Ris Park.  The Chalet comes with a mini kitchenette and microwave.  
It also had 4 single beds for friends to stay overnight.  

Rachel and I unpacked our luggages while waiting for Alex's arrival. 
We exchanged Christmas presents and head out for lunch at Tea Valley 

After lunch,  we went to Teo Heng to sing Karaoke with Felyn and Caca till 6pm.

As Caca need to go back to work, the rest of us continued and had dinner at Hei Sushi.

After dinner,  we went back to the Chalet and chill. We watched movie and drank Baileys Strawberry while waiting for Caca to come back from work.
We waited till around 11plus.

 I exchanged presents with Felyn and Caca and requested both of them to stay overnight and they agreed.

We woke up in the morning and went to see the sunrise. It was so beautiful.

After seeing the sunrise, we parted our ways. Caca went home. Felyn and I went back to Chalet to change and we took taxi to Marine Parade. I went to church and Felyn went home.

After church, I meet up with Alex and Rachel for lunch at Just Asia.

After lunch, we went back to rent a bike and cycled for 2 hours at Pasir Ris Park.
The weather was cooling as it was raining earlier. Even though I fell down,  I pick myself up, went back to Chalet to change and continued cycling again. After cycling, we went for dinner.

As the night turns darker, we went back to the Chalet to chill and chit chat till 8pm.
Alex and Rachel went home and I packed up my things and get ready to check out tomorrow morning. 

Before turning in to bed,
I went to the cinema to watch Frozen 2. The storyline focuses on why Elysa was born into this world, the love story between her parents.  
It is a very touching movie. 
I really enjoyed my staycation at Dresort. 

As 2019 comes to an end,  I come to terms with what I had written in the letter to my future me.
I continue with my staycation in Hotel Fort Canning. 
Days goes by as my leave comes to an end. These couple of days of staycation helps me to reorganize my thoughts and feelings and be ready for the final lap at work. 

After returning to work, I re-evaluate on how I can become a better team player at workplace as well as getting ready for spring cleaning at home. 

Initially I was quite unsure about how to spend my leave in Singapore,  but as the days goes by, I feel more at ease.

As the days goes by for my leave, I reflected on what does happiness meant to me. I am becoming more aware of the answer.

Even though I might not be able to go overseas for this period of time,  I can still spend it with my family and loved ones. There is nothing else more precious than this. 

I can be travelling overseas but my heart is still in Singapore.  Why do I worry so much over not able to travel overseas. 

As I look back and reflect,  I am grateful to God for seeing me through this season of life by blessing me with friends in this journey of grace.  Enjoy the video below


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