Post Chingay 2009

Chingay is finally over and my body is now in repairing mode, after all the rehearsals of Chingay. Today I went with him to church for service. When i saw him, his face colour doesnt look so good and i brought him to go and see the medic in hall 10. he wasnt running any temperature but his heart rate was rather fast. The medic gave him 2 panadols and a bottle of mineral water.

So after, i accompanied him to CGH A&E. Seeing the doctor's was quite a fast one unlike mine the previous time. The Doctor took his blood for FBC and we waited for 1 hour. Thank God his results are normal. Dr wants him to recheck his bloods again 2 days later. He was given 2 days MC.

We both waited for his cell leader to give him a lift home, while waiting, his temperture raised to 37.9C. Thank God he brought the fever patch and a bandana. I gave him the panadol and he finished the water.

His cell leader came. While heading to the car, i fell down, spraining a bit of my ankle and brusing my knees. We head to his house and i accompanied him till his door step.... that was the last time i hear his voice...... :'(

His cell leader drove me to the town centre and he went home...... I called him a few times but i believe he is just too tired after all the medicines...... He is knocked out i suppose... ...

Never have i been so affected by a situation, but i shall listern to wat he has instructed me, is to work hard tomorrow at my new work place. As for now, i believe God will heal him and i can share the joy that i went through at my work place when he gets well again...... =)

God promise to gave us a plan, a plan that will prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)

I will also make myself healthy so that when he gets well he dont need to be worry about my health......


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