New Year Resolutions 2010

Year 2010, just secretly entered and bye to 2009. It is another new day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it. Even as i reflect back what has happened in 2009, I thank God for seeing me through what i have went through, whether ups or downs; He never forsake me. His faithfulness never fails. Even as the new year began, I thought through the goals and dreams I have set for last year. I thank God for at least fulfilling one of them and I look forward to this year new as I believe that God had prepared exciting things and events for me. I think through once again the goals and dreams that i want to set for this year, as such: Spiritual 1)To put God 1st in anything I do 2)Constant prayer life on a daily basis for @ least 30mins a day 3)To fast for @ least once a month 4)Renew SOL1 5)Constant Quiet time with the Lord 6)Mission Trip Finances 7)To save for another 10K in my POSB account 8)To save @ least 3K in my OUB account 9)To go for holiday @ Labuan in 1st week of March Relationships 10)Announcement of my BGR on 1st day of CNY (14th Feb 2010) 11)Not to talk back @ Mum Health 12)Exercise 3 times a week @ 20mins minimum 13)To do a full split by end of 2010 and maintain it With God's strength and knowledge, I put my trust in Him to help me manage my life in a way that is pleasing before Him. I submit all my dreams and goals for 2010 into His hands. In Jess name i pray amen.


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