The Year of 2010

The Year 2010

2010, secretly entered after all the hustle and bustle of 2009. Even as I entered this new year with faith in knowing that God is in control of my life.

Today, 21st Jan 2010, marks the 1st gathering of FCBC MOD. It was great to see fellow frenz coming back together, sharing on how's life and catching up on issues.

The most wonderful blessings of all is Ps Paul assigning me as the attendance leader. I was literally surprised when he announced my new assignment. God indeed is a faithful God even if I am not faithful.

This issue really makes me reflect back on what Ps Paul has shared with John 5:1-9 which is to GET UP, PICK  UP and WALK.

This makes me asked God and myself, how much do I long for HIM? Only when I needed Him then I call or constantly seeking Him in my daily life?

This reminded me of the resolutions I set at the beginning of this year. I believe I have almost forgot abt them already. Even as I recalled, I think through once again and make up my mind that i must GET  UP, PICK  UP and WALK again. Jia You!!!! >o< V


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