Life of an international student in Sendai 仙台での留学生生活

Hi fellow readers,

By the time this post was written, I had officially shifted into Sendai for about 6 months. 

Recalling back to the days when I first shifted in was on  11th December 2023. At the beginning, I have to learnt a lot of things such as disposable of rubbish, where to take bus back and forth, how to walk to church, how to pay bills etc......

Before school starts, I traveled to various cities to visit friends. Finally, school started on 10th Jan 2024. Classmates came from the following countries: Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, USA, China, Vietnam and Mongolia. In total 19 students including me (10 girls and 9 boys).

Lessons start from 1pm to 4.45pm. Before lesson starts, I will have lunch at the school canteen most of the time. School canteen have a wide range of food choices, there is also a convenient shop too.






After lessons, I will usually go to Sendai station for dinner. Occasionally, I will go home to cook dinner or meet up with friends.

On weekends, I will go to Starbucks to revise what I have learnt in class. I will also attend church service and check in with fellow friends on how their life have been. Occasionally, Pastor will cook dinner after service and I will help with the preparation of the food. 

During holidays, I will either go out with friends or church members to explore new places in Tohoku area, but also travel to other cities to meet friends.

In Japan, the new school term starts in April and almost half of the old classmates had graduated. Some went to colleges to further pursue their studies, some started working. Class now changed to morning session and the remaining students from last year joined the new class.

As the time for the July JLPT N3 gets shorter, I started to be more careful with how I spend my time. Everyday after school, I will stay back after lunch to study and revise the lessons as well as doing tests paper , so that my grammar can improve faster.

Here is a video montage of my past adventures. Enjoy. Thank you all for reading. Do visit my social media to see my latest photos too. Stay tune......










7月のJLPT N3の時間が短くなるにつれて、私は自分の時間の使い方にもっと注意を払うようになりました。毎日、放課後は昼食後に残ってレッスンの勉強と復習をし、テスト問題を解いて、文法を早く上達させます。



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