A New Chapter 2021

21st of April 2021, almost close to a year after my last post in June 2020. Many things have happened and many changes took place over this period of 10 months.

Through this pandemic, I begin to understand more about myself, my surroundings, my strengths, my weaknesses, what I can hold and what I can't. 

The reason why I titled this post as "A  New Chapter 2021" is because I want to share my new chapters in my life, ministry, career, adventures, etc.

Career and studies

After resuming back to work and part time studying for my ACEY, despite having to rush home every Tuesday and Thursday, my course finally completed after a long wait during practicum and waiting to obtain the certificate to be a qualified educarer. In this journey, I made new friends and had continue to meet them up on a regular basis around every two to three months. We named ourselves as "Makan Kakis".

After completing my course and obtaining my certificate, i was given a new responsibility in taking care of a group of toddlers and nursery children, putting into action what i had learnt during the course and implementing and evaluating my plans for the children. For these past four months as a new educarer, I encounter a lot of issues and learnt a lot from my fellow seniors. I do must admit that head knowledge is not enough, it all must be put into actions. I believe that I still need a lot of pruning to correct me in this journey as a early childhood educator.

Church and Cellgroup

As gathering gradually opens up, our cellgroup starts to discuss about how to meet up with one another apart from just online via zoom. We began to plan for outings once a month to various places that we had not been to in Singapore. We venture to places like Gardens by the Bay, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Orchard Yotel Hotel Staycation, National Museum of Singapore, Changi Jurassic Mile, Tanjong Pagar,  Chinatown, Botanical Gardens. The list goes on.


Despite unable to go to Japan for mission trips, I equipped myself to be ready when the borders open again for SG and Japan. I restarted my intermediate Japanese language with Sensei Yoshie this year in January. Even though the vocabulary becomes more and more challenging, I never give up and press on to understand more about the Japanese culture and how sentences are constructed. 

At the same time, I started to join a language exchange platform in which was started by a Japanese couple from Hokkaido. Now, I have the chance to meetup with a Japanese who is currently a high school physics teacher in Singapore.  We have been meeting twice a month and with the help of my cellgroup, bringing her around to understand more about Singapore's culture as well as helping her to improve her English language and mine Japanese language too. 

On top of the above, I also regularly attend FCBC Japan church services via FB Live stream and had been connecting with FCBC Japan members regularly through E-circle as well as texting comments on members FB Posts. 

Recently, I had signed up for tomorrow's Love Japan Prayer and Worship Night with the rest of FCBC Singapore Love Japan Prayer Group. I am looking  forward to see churches come together for tomorrow's gathering. 

 Family and New Adventures

Nothing beats together with family. It all started on a night when Xiaoyi dropped by to my place to visit mum. Mid Autumn Festival was round the corner and we took photos against my black backdrop for my festival gathering, ever since then i have been asking Xiaoyi out whenever time permits for both of us. Our last gathering with Xiaoyi was during our staycation at LYF Funan. Our next meetup will be in August. 

As for mum and I, even though we are not able to travel overseas especially Malaysia (we like to go shopping there for clothes), we use our Singapore Rediscovery Vouchers (SRV) to explore and rediscover Singapore. We went for staycation at Funan Lyf, visited Funan Urban Farm and Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome during Hello Kitty Sakura Festival. Next month, I will be bringing her to Fullerton Hotel for staycation to celebrate her birthday and mother's day. 


Another adventure that started since last year was the launch of One Haising Alumni. Through here, I have the chance to meet different batches of Haisians and find out more about how Haising had helped them to become who they are today. We come together to connect other Haisians to our alma mater. 

 That's all for my sharing. Hope that this post will give you an insight of how my life had been during this past one year. Signing off and see you all soon. Stay tune for my new post next month after my staycation with mum =)




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