A New Chapter Birthday Celebration 2021

Time flies and sorry for the late post on my new chapter birthday celebration this year.

This year's birthday celebration was a combination of online and physical meetup with friends. Even though we are able to meet up physical, we still take time to catch up and unwind.

Let's start to recap back the times me and my friends had at my birthday celebrations. 

It was Singapore's 2021 National Day on the 21st of August. A group of friends brought me to Brewerkz near the Sports hub. 

Food and service was excellent. The atmosphere was nice too. After dinner, went out for a walk around the vicinity and enjoy the time sent. 🤭

The next celebration started with my friends who were all August babies and we had dinner and video call to our Japanese teacher. 

Our dinner was at Tamago-En at Bishan Junction 8. The food was awesome and huge in portion. 

Let's begin as I share about part 3 of my birthday celebration. 

Even though it was quite late on the 27th of August when I checked into my staycation venue at LYF@ Funan and mum waited for me for quite a while. I finally checked in with my mum at level 9, room 925. 

After unpacking my luggage, I went for a walk around at the civic district of City Hall. 
I was hoping to see the night lights at the National Museum but was told by the staff that they had turned off the lights at 12MN.
After knowing so, I was determined to come back to see the lights the next evening. 
Upon walking back to Funan, I passed by the back of Capitol as well as the Singapore Kindness Movement Gallery to say hello to the Kindness Cubbies (Singa, Sher, Kalle, Tomeo and Tosh). 

This marks the first night for my staycation with mum. 

A new day begins with a breakfast treat from May (One Haising Alumni ) at Prego. 
After breakfast, I went back to LYF@ Funan to get ready for the rest of my birthday celebrations with mum. 

The next highlight awaits me as I went out with Mum for dinner at Clarke Quay House of seafood. 2 Pepper crabs with dong fen was awesome. After walking back to Funan from Clarke Quay, I collected my birthday cake from Kuriko and look forward to seeing my friends on zoom to sing the virtual birthday song with me. 
While waiting, I seize the opportunity to capture the sunset. 

After virtual birthday song, 
I went to give the remaining cake to the staff at the reception and they gave me a LYF pillow as present. I was surprised by their kind thoughts. 

After going back to my room, 
I went back to the National Museum to see the night illumination for National Day. What a treat! 
I was glad to make it on time before the light up ends. 

After walking back to LYF@ Funan, 
I started packing as tomorrow will be check out day. I felt that my staycation have been a wonderful one but time seems to be so fast passing by. 
Even though there is always time for everything, I learnt to be content with what I have. 

Good things come in threes. 
This marks part 3 and  finale of my birthday celebrations. 
On the last day of my leave, I left home early to go to Changi Airport, Jewel and the National Museum gallery to chill and relax before meeting my friend for dinner in the evening. 
I had a wonderful and fruitful time on that day. 

As a new chapter of my life begins, 
I am grateful for the friendships that I have built through these years. 
Even though we might not be able to meet up so easily like before. Let us all still keep in touch during this challenging times. 
Signing off and see you all soon. 
Stay safe and take care. 


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