My Japan Holiday 2022 (Nagoya, Sakae, Shiga) (18th to 23rd Aug) (Thurs to Tues)

Day 10 (18th) (Thurs)

After bidding Kyoto farewell, I arrived at Nagoya station at 10.40am. After arriving, I walked to Higashiyama Line to Sakae Station. At 10.55am, I arrived at Sakae Station and walked to exit 2 for APA Hotel Nagoya Nishiki Excellent. I left my luggages at the hotel and went out to explore the neighbourhood. These are the places that I have visited: Mitsukoshi, Lachic. I had lunch at Lachic and continued to walk around until 4.30pm. I walked back to my hotel to check in and started to unpack my luggages. I had dinner at 8pm and slept at 9pm.

Day 11 (19th) (Fri)

Waking up at 7am, I head to Tully's Coffee for breakfast. After breakfast, I head to Nagoya station to change train to Aonami line to Kinjofuto station. I arrived at 9am. I walked over to Legoland and explored the area. I took a lot of photos and exited at 11.30am. I walked over to the Japan Railway Theme Park for lunch. After lunch, I started to explore the area and took photos with the old trains. 

As Minami is reaching Nagoya station soon, I exited the park at 2.30pm and took train from Kinjofuto station to Nagoya station. When I arrived at Nagoya station, I told Minami that I will wait for her at the Higashiyama Line. We met at the station and took train to Sakae station. It was 3.30pm when we met. I helped her to check in and we went to Minami's room. I told her that she can come over to my room at 5.30pm when she is done with her things. 

At 6.20pm, we walked to Yama Chan for dinner and Pastor Christina texted us that they will be arriving to Nagoya soon. Pastor Caleb, Christina, Tai and Chieko arrived at 7pm. We had dinner together and at around 9pm, me and Minami exited and head back to hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, we fixed a time at 8.30am for morning devotion and breakfast at my room and we rested for the night. 

Day 12 (20th) (Sat)

What a beautiful day to help out at the homeless ministry. I woke up at 8am and had breakfast with Minami. We went to the park at 9.30am and walked to Oasis 21. After which, we walked back to Koko Hotel to meet Pastor Caleb, Christina and Chieko for lunch at 12 Noon. We ate Miso Katsudon for lunch and went back to hotel for a while and met again at 2.45pm for the homeless ministry. 

When we arrive, there were not many people waiting for the food distribution. At 3.30pm, the session begins with praise and worship followed by word from Ps Chris. In the crowd, there was a lady by the name Aoe and she is a social worker from Fukushima and she is studying about the homeless ministry. After the session has ended, we went to a Thai restaurant for dinner and we invited her too. We shared about our stories and exchanged contacts. We exited the restaurant at 7.10pm and went back to hotel with Pastor Christina and we prayed together before we rest for the day.

Day 13 (21st) (Sun)

Waking up at 8am, waiting for Minami to come to my room for morning devotion. We meet Pastor Christina and went to buy Onigiri at 10.30am. We had early lunch at a porridge shop and arrived at FCBC Nagoya at 1pm. We went to walk around the area and started to cut the honey due at 1.30pm. The service started at 3pm and ended at around 6pm. We arrived at Koko hotel at 7.30pm and went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. We went back to the hotel and rested for the night at 9pm. 

Day 14 (22nd) (Mon)

Waking up at 8am, I packed up and get ready to visit Minami's house in Shiga. We had early lunch at 11.10am and boarded the trains at Nagoya station at 12.06pm for Kameoka station, changed to Kusatsu line to Koka Station. On the way to Koka, Minami and I had some misunderstandings but after a period of time, we reconciled and started to talk when we arrived at Koka. Minami's parents warmly welcomed me and drove us around in the area and went to their house. I exited at 3.55pm and headed to the station to travel back to Nagoya. By the time I arrived at Nagoya station, it was 6.45pm. I had Udon at one of the restaurant and went to the onigiri shop. I went back to the hotel to pack my luggages and rested for the day.

Day 15 (23rd) (Tues)

I woke up at 5.30am and ate breakfast. I checked out at 7am and took train to Nagoya station for Tokyo at 8.31am. I arrived at Tokyo station at 10.12am. The train for Sendai was at 10.36am. This marks the end of my trip at Nagoya. 


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