My Japan Holiday 2022 (Sendai, Yaotome) (23rd to 26th Aug) (Tues to Fri)

Day 15 (23rd) (Tues)

After bidding Nagoya farewell, I arrived at Sendai station at 12.45pm. After arriving, I walked to the Gyutan street for lunch. After lunch, I informed Pastor Christina that I am done with my lunch and will be going to take subway to their apartment and the arrival time of the train.  I text Yuko and told her that I found the place that she alighted us 4 years ago. I took Namboku line to Yaotome station and arrived at 2.05pm. At 2.20pm, Pastor Caleb came and picked me up at the taxi stand area. Upon arrival at their apartment, Pastor Christina warmly welcomed me and I checked into the room that they have prepared for me. Pastor Christina told me that I can do my laundry tomorrow as the weather was sunny. I tidied up my things and she told me that we will go out to buy things for dinner at 5pm. We brought back lots of things. After unloading all the things, we went to a sushi restaurant for dinner. I laid out my futon and comforter and rest for the night at 11pm.

Day 16 (24th) (Wed)

Waking up at 6am, read my morning devotion, brought my clothes for laundry in the washing machine and ate some breakfast. At 9.20 am, I went out for a walk at the park with Pastor Christina. After we came back, I went to the convenient shop to buy orange juice and fresh milk for them. Upon returning to the apartment, I hang my clothes for drying.

At 12pm, I helped Pastor Christina with lunch and we ate lunch at 12.40pm. At 6.30pm, I kept all the clothes and packed them into the luggage. At 7.45pm, we drove out for dinner at Ootoya and shopping around Ario Shopping Mall and Selva Shopping Mall. When we came back, I had a quick shower and get ready for English Meetup via zoom at 9.30pm. After English Meetup, I rest for the night at 12MN. 

Day 17 (25th) (Thurs)

What a beautiful day to help to make egg tarts and milk tea. I woke up at 8am and had breakfast. While waiting for Karen, Julie and Yosuke, I helped Pastor Christina in preparing for the clay pot rice, green bean and sweet potato soup for dessert. At 10.15am, Karen from FCBC Sendai came to Pastors' apartment. I went out with Karen to the convenient shop to buy full cream milk for the egg tarts. When Karen and I came back, we met Julie and went to the apartment. I continued to help Pastor Christina and Karen when they are preparing the food. I also helped in molding the egg tarts crust and making the milk tea.  At around 12.50pm, we had lunch. At 5pm, Pastor Christina, Julie and I went to FCBC Sendai to visit the gospel choir ladies and we served egg tarts and milk tea. I met Miranda and the rest of the ladies and we chatted happily till 6.30pm. Pastor Caleb sent Julie and Rose back to their apartments and we went for dinner at Gusto. After dinner, we went back to the apartment, Pastors attended the FCBC Conference online and I start to pack our luggages as we will be leaving for Yokohama the following day and I make a thank you card for Pastors. 

Day 18 (26th) (Fri)

Waking up at 6am, I packed up my remaining luggages, ate my breakfast and exited the apartment at 11am. I boarded the car, Fumio and Rose were in the car and Pastor Caleb drove me to Sendai Station while the rest travel to Yokohama by car. I alighted at Sendai Station and went to the ticket office to reserve my seat for Tokyo. After reserving the ticket, I went to the post office to post the presents that I want to give Fumiko and informed her that I have posted the books. I told her that I am leaving Sendai and will be heading to Yokohama. I boarded the Shinkansen at 12.31pm and arrived at Tokyo at 2.10pm.The  train for Shin Yokohama is at 2.57pm. This marks the end of my trip at Sendai.


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