Japan Holiday 2023 (9th to 13th March) (Day 0 to Day 4) (Sendai, Fukushima, Kesennuma)

 When you are reading this blog, it would have been 1 day that I came back from Japan. This trip was my sixth trip for Japan. Till now these are the prefectures that I have visited thus far: Tokyo, Sendai, Kesennuma, Fukushima, Yokohama, Kamakura, Kyoto, Shiga, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Okinawa. 14 areas in total. 

This trip will be travelling these areas: 
Tokyo, Sendai, Kesennuma, Fukushima, Kyoto, Yokohama, Kamakura, Okinawa.

9th March (Thurs)
Checked in at Terminal 1 at 8pm, entered the departure gate at 8.10pm. Walked around the waiting area and boarded the plane at 10.10pm.  The plane took off at 10.50pm. Night snack was served at 11.10pm. It was apple pie and Lays potato chips. At around 2.50am, breakfast was served. I chose salon and chicken Japanese set. The plane arrived at Haneda Airport at 5.30 am (JP). 

10th March (Fri)
After exiting Immigration and Customs, I walked to Yamato delivery Counter to deliver baggages to Kyoto hotel. I waited for quite a long time at JR East Office to exchange for the JR Pass and tickets for Sendai. 

At 8.40am, I boarded the monorail to Hamamatsu-Cho station to change JR Yamanonte Line to Tokyo Station. I boarded the Shinkansen to Sendai Station at 10.04am. Arrived at Sendai Station at 11.39am. Changed train to Haranomachi station via Joban line at 12.40pm, met Megumi Hirai at 2.08pm. Visited Blessing Room and Soyo Cafe, talked to her till 4.30pm. Went to Aeon and Daiso to buy dinner. Returned to Blessing Room and Megumi gave me a ride back to Haranomachi station. I boarded the train and head to Soma Station. I arrived at the station at 5.50pm. I walked to the hotel and arrived at 6.30pm and rested for the night. 

11th March (Sat)
Woke up at 4.30am, after shower, I dressed up and packed my luggage for Kesennuma. I exited the hotel and walked to Yoshinoya for breakfast. I walked to Soma Station and boarded the train at 8.21am and arrived at Sendai Station at 9.30am. Changed train to Namboku line to Yaotome station at 10am and met Pastors at 10.10am. Fumio and Rose droved together too. 
We arrived at the Pier 7 of Kesennuma Business Support Centre for Love and Hope Concert to commemorate 12th anniversary of the Great Earthquake and Tsunami. 

At the concert, I was glad to be able to meet many friends and gospel singers like Kamiyama Misa and Takeshita Shizu. At 2.46pm, the siren sounded and everyone stood in silence for a minute. 4 gospel singers sang Hana wa Saku as the finale song and the concert ended at 3.30pm. 

At 4.30pm, Pastors, Fumio and Rose drove up to the Kesennuma Reconstruction Memorial Park. When we were praying at the Mast shaped prayer room, an eagle flew across us. It reminded us of the passage in Isaiah 40:31: "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Thank God for His promise.  

After exiting, we head to the hotel to check in for a night and drove to Yosuke's house to pray for his father. Kamiyama came and ministered to him. His father agreed to visit Pastor Minegishi's church the following day and we ( Pastors and Rose) headed to the hotel and rested for the night. 

12th March (Sun)
Woke up at 6.30am, went for onsen and packed up my luggages. Ate breakfast at 8am and checked out at 10am. Travelled with Pastors to Kesennuma First Bible Baptist Church for service at 10.30am. Met Pastor David Kazama and Misa in church as well as Yosuke's family members. Service ended and we had lunch together. 
After lunch, we said goodbye to everyone and drove back to FCBC Sendai for service at 3pm.  Met Tai and Chieko, Fumiko, Elio at FCBC Sendai. Fumiko walked with me back to Sendai Station and we took Joban line together. She departed at Wattari Station and head back to Soma Station. By the time I arrived at the hotel, it was 8pm. Quickly showered and ate dinner at 8.50pm and rested for the night. 

13th March (Mon)
Woke up at 6am and checked out of hotel at 7.40am. Went to eat breakfast at Yoshinoya at 7.50am. Walked to Soma Station and arrived at 8am. Boarded the train at 8.21am and travelled back to Sendai Station. Boarded the Shinkansen at 10.31am and arrived at Tokyo station at 12.04pm. Changed Shinkansen to Kyoto Station at 12.33pm and arrived at Kyoto station at 3.12pm.  


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