Japan Holiday 2023 (Day 7 to 9) (16th to 18th March) (Okinawa)

16th March 2023 (Thurs) 
Arrived at Naha Airport at 10.30am, collected luggage and met Wailing and Michelle at 12.45pm. Arrived at Church at 1.30pm and ate lunch while waiting to meet Pastor Kina and Kuniko. Went for a tour of the church and Preschool with Pastor Kuniko. At 3pm, I checked in to the staff apartment at Promnado and unpacked my luggages. Pastor Kina came to pick me up for dinner at 6.30pm, went back to apartment at 7.30pm and rested for the night. 

17th March 2023 (Fri)
Woke up at 6am, washed up and prepared breakfast. Ate breakfast at 7.30pm, dressed up, exited the apartment at 8.45am and walked to the chapel for morning assembly at 9am. 

At the assembly, I was asked by Pastor Kuniko to introduce myself in Japanese. Assembly ended at 1035am and I followed K3 Class Teacher for outdoor at the playground and Teacher Yuko to K4 and 5 class for lunch. 

After lunch, I helped to conduct a craft lesson for K4 and asked them to sing along "Old MacDonald had a farm" after finish the craft. After the lesson, I folded origami with the children while waiting for Teacher Yoko to bring them out for a walk. 

At the playground, I was asked to go to Grade 1 and 2 class to help with their Mathematics followed by Nation Works Class. The children were learning about Lebanon. 

After the lesson, Pastor Kuniko told me to go back to the apartment to rest and meet her for dinner at 5.30pm at church. 

At 5.40pm, Pastor Kuniko and Teacher Yuko brought me for a walk to the bridge and went for dinner together. Pastor Kuniko gave me a love offering. We quickly finished and walked back to church for prayer meeting at 7pm. I was asked by Pastor Kina to share more about my church and the ministry. Prayer meeting ended at 10pm and I walked back to the apartment and rested for the night.

18th March 2023 (Fri)
Woke up at 6am, showered and prepared breakfast. After eating breakfast, started to pack luggages and get ready to check out of apartment. At 9.30am, went to the park near the bridge for a walk and went to the pharmacy to buy hand soap and aloe vera gel. Walked back to apartment and checked apartment once more before checking out. Teacher Yoko called to inform me that she will be arriving a bit later. At 11.10am, she picked me up and drove me to airport. She passed me presents from pastors and gave me a lunch treat before I enter the departure gates. At 1.45pm, I entered the gates and boarded the plane at 2pm. The plane took off at 2.45pm. 


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