Days of TCS

Good morning, everyone. 
Today marks a new day and I want to share my story about my journey in Touch Community Services. 

Last night, I attended the Touch Community Services (TCS) Staff Dinner and received my 5years long service for the first time.

Remembering those days when I first started working and serving in TCS, I want to use this story to Thank God for His faithfulness all these while.

At 2000 Aug, I started to serve as a volunteer in TCS and Touch International. From Flag day to National Day and different mission trips. I volunteered in the various services. During Service Learning, I learnt the values of how to be successful. They are RICE in short. I also 
They stand for Resilience, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence. 

My takeover is that:
 "No matter how small the task might be, 
do it excellently".

From 2000 to 2015, these are the flow of events that I took part in TCS:
2000 to 2008: Flag Day
2009 to 2016: Leadership and Mentoring NDP Mentor (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
2011 to 2013: Touch Home Care 

In 2016 July, I volunteered in Touch International and served with a group of girls at Kumamoto Earthquake. In this trip, I met the Humane Resource of TCS and I sent my resume to her and initially she said that there are no vacancies in TCS but after a couple of months, she informed me that Touch Child Care Clementi's principal was searching for staff for the 3 year old class. God heard my prayers and answered them.

In 2017 February, I unofficially started my temp job in Touch Child Care. In the fifth month of my probation, the principal asked me if I am keen to work full time, I gladly accepted the offer, didn't know what challenges lied ahead. 

After converting to full time, I started to learn more about different children's character and how to take care of their needs. Even though in class there are special needs , I wholeheartedly learn how to facilitate and help them to progress on in life. 

In 2019, my principal asked if I am keen to study more about early childhood education. The name of the course is Advanced Certificate in Early Years (ACEY). In May of that year, I started my part time course. Every Tuesday and Thursday after work, I will go for the course and apply what I learned in school. 

At 2020, COVID entered Singapore. Course and centre changed to online learning and I learnt to adapt to the changes.  

After completing the course in 2021, I was given the opportunity to become a English language teacher for the new playgroup class. Using what I have learnt in the course, I applied them at my school. 

Despite there are various challenges during the COVID pandemic, I learnt to adapt and adjust accordingly in school so that I can become a better team player in the school. 

Fast forward to last night. TCS have staff dinner and Child Care department have 7 recipients for the long service award (5  for 5 years and 2 for 10 years).
Upon receiving the award, I was filled with joy and thankfulness to God for seeing me through these years in TCC. I would also want to thank the following people for seeing me through this journey. They are:
1) AO Lawrence and Nina Khong
2) Pastor Eugene and Julie Seow
3) Kavin Seow (THC)
4) Staff and volunteers of Touch Leadership and Mentoring
5) Staff and volunteers of Touch International 
6) Staff of Touch Child Care (Clementi and Hougang)

As the theme for this staff dinner was Ohana , which means family and nobody gets left behind. I looked forward to what God has prepared for me in the years ahead and continue to be a blessing wherever He place me in. 

I just wanted to use this video to say thank you to all who have helped me in this journey 😊

Thank you all for reading and stay tune for more of my stories. 


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