Japan Winter Holiday 2023 (Part 3) (16th to 22nd Dec 23) (Hokkaido)

 Dear folks for reading my previous post and now finally the real winter holiday will truly begin in this post. 

Finally, things have more or less settled in Sendai and upon checking out of the hotel, I made my way to Sendai airport and check in for my flight to Hokkaido.

Upon arrival at New Chitose Airport, I was welcomed by the fields of white wherever I go. What a sight.

After checking into Dormy Inn Premium Sapporo, I rested for the night and be ready to meetup with Kazue San.

On the 17th, after breakfast I met Kazue and we travelled to Otaru. We visited the popular Otaru Canal but the cruise was close in winter. We walked around the area, had tea and went shopping too. After returning back to Sapporo, we had soup curry for dinner and ended the day with night illumination at Odori Park. 

On the 18th, I joined a Klook day tour to Asahiyama Zoo and Furano. One of the areas was closed due the heavy snow and I was quite disappointed. The tour participants were all Singaporeans. It had been a wonderful time exploring the different places. 

The first place that was visited was the zoo. As it was winter, some of the animals were not able to be seen. After the zoo, it was lunch at the famous lavender farm, restaurant and souvenir shop. 

After lunch and shopping, headed to the Shirogane Blue Lake. The temperature dropped and when arrived at Shirogane, it was only -6 degrees but feels like -22 degrees. After taking a few photos, I ran back to the bus to avoid the coldness. After returning to Sapporo, I headed to Susukino area and explored the area. 

On the 19th, I went to explored Moerenuma area, Shiroi Koibito Park. At Moerenuma, I visited the Glass Pyramid and initially I wanted to go to Satoland but it was closed during winter. At the Shiroi Koibito Park, I made chocolate tarts at the DIY workshop. It was an interesting and fun experience and I shared the tarts with Kazue on the following day. 

20th December 23

After meeting up with Kazue, we went to Nijo Market, Sapporo TV Tower, Maruyama Zoo. At Sapporo TV Tower, we had a wonderful time seeing the different views of Sapporo in the day and at night. We also went to sing Karaoke while waiting. 

21st December 23

It was the second last day of the winter holiday in Hokkaido. I started to pack up and get ready for my flight on the following day. I also send thank you messages to friends who have helped me during the holiday. 

22nd December 23

After checking out of the hotel, I head straight to the airport and check in my luggages. I explored the airport while waiting for my flight in the afternoon. It had been a wonderful roundup before heading back to Sendai. 

Thank you all for reading this post and stay tune for my final winter holiday 






18日、Klookの日帰りツアーに参加して旭山動物園と富良野に行きました。 大雪のため、エリアの1つが閉鎖されていて、とてもがっかりしました。ツアー参加者は全員シンガポール人でした。さまざまな場所を探索するのは素晴らしい時間でした。



19日は、モエレ沼エリアの白い恋人パークを探索しました。モエレ沼では、ガラスのピラミッドを訪れ、最初はさとらんどに行こうと思っていましたが、冬季は閉鎖されていました。 白い恋人パークでは、DIYワークショップでチョコレートタルトを作りました。面白くて楽しい体験で、翌日はカズエとタルトをシェアしました。 






ホテルをチェックアウトした後、空港に直行して荷物を預けました。 午後のフライトを待つ間、空港を行きました。仙台に戻る前に、素晴らしいまとめとなりました。



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